
Don't get shot by anyone...

Have you ever been so sick, that you really want to get an injection and get better as soon as possible? Many people believe that getting a shot is better and faster than taking drugs, that’s why they ask for the injection to the doctor. In Latin America is totally common that people know someone who can administrate the injection for a very low price or even free, but normally these people is not medical stuff, is normal people who thinks they  know  how to do it. This is something really dangerous and I am going to explain you why is always better to go with a nurse and pay for their work. First of all, nurses (and medical staff) has been studying the anatomy of the body and pharmacology. Hanson (2021) says “ Nurses have a unique role and responsibility in medication administration, in that they are frequently the final person to check to see that the medication is correctly prescribed and dispensed before administration. ” (para. 1). In nursing, we have something called “The 5 Rig

Bad sleeping habits?

Throughout these years we have been leading very rushed lives and people is getting more into bad habits, specially if we are talking about sleeping routine. A lack of sleep can induce to several problems, not only the fact that you will be feeling sleepy all day. When you do not sleep correctly, your capacity of thinking can be affected, your energy decrease and your daily routine will be also affected. Sleeping bad habits are not only made because of the use of the recent technology at night, but also because people has routines that affect their sleeping hours without knowing. Sometimes this are also bad habits that are creating more and new bad habits.  A human in adult age needs from 7 to 9 hours of sleeping in order to coordinate and maintain a good health state. Here is a group of actions or bad habits that people usually have that can contribute to a lack of good sleeping. Some of the common thoughts around sleeping habits, is about exercise. Usually people believe that doing e

Don't break the Chain

Objective   With the technique of Don't Break the Chain, that talks about how to change one bad habit or even create a new one, by accomplishing the same goal/activity every day, I want to change my bad habit of waste time on social media and watching series, and be more disciplined and productive. Setting a goal and following this method, I'm looking for success. Reflective The reason why this method can be succesful, as Adegbuyi (2020) write, is because "It activates your brain's reward system releasing dopamine" (para. 13). By the time we mark the X in the calendar day by day, our brain releases dopamina, the hormone that makes us feel good. If we found one activity satistaying, is more likely that we are going to continuing doing it. Another interesting reason is that is more easily to reach a goal if you can see it clearly. Researches discovered that the swimmers swim faster when they are going toward the goal and when they can see it clearly. We can apply th